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Online learning: Systemic leadership
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Online learning: Systemic leadership

Online webinar

This webinar aims to provide you with an overview of systemic leadership in order to get you to start thinking like a systemic leader. A systemic leader does not focus on the superficial symptoms of the system, but rather looks at what is happening beneath the surface.  Aimed at professionals who aspire to improve their […]

Online learning: Working with complexity: Managing challenging conversations in practice
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Online learning: Working with complexity: Managing challenging conversations in practice

Online webinar

Professional communication is rarely straightforward, but some issues – such as breaking bad news and setting boundaries or supporting people in states of emotionally charged states like grief, fear, anger and pain can cause additional concern. This session addresses ways in which we can communicate with clarity and compassion and offers strategies when communicating with […]


Online learning: Women, girls and gangs – Risks and challenges in a new landscape
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Online learning: Women, girls and gangs – Risks and challenges in a new landscape

Online webinar

There is increasing awareness of new risks to girls and young women posed by changes in gang activity. As gangs move away from postcode rivalries and become more focused upon developing drugs markets outside of London, they have an increasing need to recruit girls to support these activities. Girls and young women in public care […]


Effective Interpersonal Communication:  Communicate with confidence, sensitivity and authenticity, building stronger professional relationships
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Effective Interpersonal Communication: Communicate with confidence, sensitivity and authenticity, building stronger professional relationships

Online webinar

Do you find it difficult to articulate your real thoughts sometimes, share how you really feel or make yourself heard in discussions? To be successful, you need to have excellent communication skills, the ability to listen and then get your point across in the right way. Individual and team success depends on effective communication.  Whether […]


Writing Strength Based Assessment & Person Centered Support Plans
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Writing Strength Based Assessment & Person Centered Support Plans

Online webinar

This session will be delivered by Alice Carmichael and Aleister Griffin, Adults Social Care, London Borough of Hackney.   Speaker Bio Aleister Griffin has been a qualified social worker since 2013 when he completed his MSc in Social Work at Royal Holloway, University of London. Since then, Aleister has worked at Hackney Council within various […]

Addiction and personality disorder
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Addiction and personality disorder

This webinar will be presented by Cherie Carlton, Lecturer (Practice) in Social Work, Mental Health Social Work & Interprofessional Learning, Middlesex University. Cherie’s main teaching interests include mental health and addictions, trauma-informed practices, child and family social work, social work theory, skills and readiness for practice and research methods. Her practice background is in adult […]


Dementia and the social work role
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Dementia and the social work role

Online webinar

INTRODUCTION The purpose of the session is to consider dementia in the context of the social work role. It will introduce the most common forms of the diagnosis as well as delve further into how it can affect the individual.  Dementia is understood from different perspectives and discussion around how it manifests in the lives […]

Homelessness (Part 1)
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Homelessness (Part 1)

Online webinar

INTRODUCTION   In the last year alone street homelessness has increased by 20% and there are now around 1283 people sleeping rough in London every night. Although street homelessness only represents around 5% of the total homeless population in the UK, with most living in temporary accommodation, hostels and sofa-surfing, it is undoubtedly the most […]

Homelessness (Part 2)
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Homelessness (Part 2)

Online webinar

INTRODUCTION   In the last year alone street homelessness has increased by 20% and there are now around 1283 people sleeping rough in London every night. Although street homelessness only represents around 5% of the total homeless population in the UK, with most living in temporary accommodation, hostels and sofa-surfing, it is undoubtedly the most […]


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Online webinar

INTRODUCTION: Self-leadership is an important topic in today´s complex and dynamic work environment. The aim of the webinar is to enable practitioners to gain an awareness of self-leadership and how to cultivate self-leadership skills aligned to their own values and the values of the social work profession. We will consider why self-leadership is important in […]

Reflective Leadership Practice
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Reflective Leadership Practice

Online webinar

INTRODUCTION What does it mean to lead others during complex and challenging times? The stresses and strains that come with managing the day to day pressure of delivering better outcomes can often lead us to question our own ability to lead others effectively. This session explores the concept of reflective leadership practice and introduces ideas […]


Working with Substance Misuse
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Working with Substance Misuse

Online webinar

SPEAKERS BIO Naznin Ali - Systemic Family Practitioner and Family Learning Intervention Programme (FLIP) House Manager, London Borough of Hackney Naznin Ali is the Family Learning Intervention Programme (FLIP) House Manager in Oxfordshire, working with families with children at risk of becoming on the edge of care; to strengthen family relationships at risk of breaking […]


NLSWTP Webinar: Safety planning
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NLSWTP Webinar: Safety planning

Online webinar

ABOUT THE SPEAKER This webinar will be presented by Rasha Hamid, Safe & Together Implementation Lead at Respect. Rasha’s role spans across Hackney and Waltham Forest Children’s Social Care and focuses on implementing the Safe & Together model; a domestic abuse practice model for child and family practitioners developed in the US. Rasha is a […]


NLSWTP Webinar: Motivational interviewing
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NLSWTP Webinar: Motivational interviewing

Online webinar

ABOUT THE SPEAKER This webinar will be presented by Stephen Rice, Principal Child and Family Social Worker, Islington Council. Stephen has over 15 years experience  in child protection social work including oversight of the Motivational Practice model at Islington Council, which is built on using Motivational Interviewing in a child protection context.   Stephen  is passionate […]

NLSWTP Webinar: Safeguarding Children and Young People Online
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NLSWTP Webinar: Safeguarding Children and Young People Online

Online webinar

This session will be presented by Claudia Megele, National Chair of the Principal Children and Families Social Worker Network, and Dr Peter Buzzi, Director of Research and Management Consultancy Centre and the Safeguarding Research Centre. ABOUT THE SPEAKERS Claudia Megele is the National Chair of the Principal Children and Families Social Worker Network. She is […]

NLSWTP Webinar: Direct Work with Children and Young People Online
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NLSWTP Webinar: Direct Work with Children and Young People Online

Online webinar

This session will be presented by Claudia Megele, National Chair of the Principal Children and Families Social Worker Network, and Dr Peter Buzzi, Director of Research and Management Consultancy Centre and the Safeguarding Research Centre. ABOUT THE SPEAKERS Claudia Megele is the National Chair of the Principal Children and Families Social Worker Network. She is […]


NLSWTP Webinar: Mindfulness
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NLSWTP Webinar: Mindfulness

Online webinar

ABOUT THE SPEAKER This half-day online training session will be presented by Sean Liddell, International Motivational Speaker and Training Consultant at Talking Life Ltd. Sean is an engaging and motivational consultant very experienced in Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence and Coaching, delivering innovative management training courses to provide sustained personal growth.  Sean has a wealth of Private […]

NLSWTP Webinar: Supporting adults with learning disabilities – the importance of Quality of Life
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NLSWTP Webinar: Supporting adults with learning disabilities – the importance of Quality of Life

Online webinar

INTRODUCTION This training will prepare you to engage with people with learning disabilities and identify when difficult situations are a result of poor quality of life. Adults with learning disabilities are a vulnerable population. They are often exposed to abuse, discrimination and mistreatment. This training session will explore what a learning disability is and what […]


NLSWTP Webinar: Meet Social Work England
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NLSWTP Webinar: Meet Social Work England

Online webinar

INTRODUCTION This session will be presented by Julie Campbell, Social Work England Regional Engagement Lead, London. Regional engagement leads are registered social workers working in localities with social workers, people with lived experience of social work, employers, and education and training providers. LEARNING OUTCOMES Participants in this session will be able to: Learn more about Social […]

Looking at Leadership through a Systemic Lens
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Looking at Leadership through a Systemic Lens

Online webinar

INTRODUCTION This short session is a fast-paced journey through systemic ideas about leadership. In this hour, participants are offered the opportunity to deconstruct leadership and explore how systemic thinking can help us to make sense of the cultural, social and political contexts that influence our ability to ‘act’ into leadership roles. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Participants in […]


Stepping into Management: Developing Personal Impact
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Stepping into Management: Developing Personal Impact

Online webinar

INTRODUCTION The transition into a new management or leadership role can be an exciting and challenging step in our professional journey. For many of us it calls for the development of increased self-confidence and focus, as well as establishing a new sense of professional identity and leadership style. Navigating this change in persona is the […]


Thinking Diversity and Inclusive Practice in Leadership
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Thinking Diversity and Inclusive Practice in Leadership

Online webinar

INTRODUCTION This bitesize session will explore the role of leaders in tackling inequality and driving inclusive practice. Participants will learn more about how to create a work environment and culture that values difference and diversity, thinking about leadership practice and understanding of self. LEARNING OUTCOMES Participants will have the opportunity to: Consider anti-discriminatory leadership practice […]


Thinking Diversity and Inclusive Practice in Leadership
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  • 4129

Thinking Diversity and Inclusive Practice in Leadership

Featured Featured

INTRODUCTION This bitesize session will explore the role of leaders in tackling inequality and driving inclusive practice. Participants will learn more about how to create a work environment and culture that values difference and diversity, thinking about leadership practice and understanding of self. LEARNING OUTCOMES Participants will have the opportunity to: Consider anti-discriminatory leadership practice […]


Practice Stories: Signs of Safety, Covid 19 and Me
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Practice Stories: Signs of Safety, Covid 19 and Me

Featured Featured
Online Forum

INTRODUCTION This webinar will be hosted by Liz Shaw, Practice and Learning Manager, Barnet Council.   This session explores the experience of using Signs of Safety in the context of the pandemic. It will consider both the experiences of practitioners in using the model and Liz’s role as a social work educator supporting practitioners. This session […]


Principles and Skills in Holding Difficult Conversations
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Principles and Skills in Holding Difficult Conversations

Featured Featured
Online Forum

INTRODUCTION This webinar will be hosted by Robyn Kemp, Children’s Social Care Consultant and Trainer.   The relationship between social care practitioners and service users is complex and so the potential for difficulties is high. In this session we will examine and explore core principles alongside some of the theories and skills that can help us […]


International Kinship Care
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International Kinship Care

Featured Featured
Online Forum

INTRODUCTION In an increasingly globalised world, children in need of protection, often have important connections overseas. However, planning for a child to live with a kinship carer overseas can represent legal and practical challenges. This webinar will draw on Children and Families Across Borders' (CFAB) expertise in the field of cross-border, child protection, to identify […]


The Implementation of Liberty Protection Safeguards
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The Implementation of Liberty Protection Safeguards

Featured Featured
Online Forum

INTRODUCTION Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) will be implemented soon with an anticipated start date being April 2022. It can literally apply anywhere unlike currently under Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) only in care homes and hospitals.    LPS will usher in changes to the way Deprivation of Liberty is authorised in contrast to the DoLS. […]


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Online in Zoom

INTRODUCTION: Assertiveness is the quality of being self-assured and confident without being aggressive. It is a skill that can be learned and a mode of communication.  This webinar will provide you with a range of tools and techniques to improve your skills in being an assertive professional. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Understand what is considered to be […]

Ethical Use of Power and Authority in Social Work
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Ethical Use of Power and Authority in Social Work

Online Forum

INTRODUCTION: Social workers should use the authority of their role in a responsible, accountable and respectful manner. They should exercise authority appropriately to safeguard people with whom they work and to ensure people have as much control over their lives as is consistent with the rights of others. This webinar will encourage delegates to consider the […]


Unconscious Bias
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Unconscious Bias

Featured Featured
Online Forum

INTRODUCTION: Many find it difficult to talk about biases, identity and culture, especially in the context of their work with children and young people; but problems that cannot be named and discussed, cannot be solved.   Many do not realise the impact their biases have on their decision-making, practice and interactions; at best, biases inhibit decisions […]


Coaching Programme for NQSWs: Home visits
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  • 636

Coaching Programme for NQSWs: Home visits

Featured Featured
Online Forum

INTRODUCTION: This session is primarily for Newly Qualified Social Workers, as an opportunity to support their confidence to practice post-qualifying. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from practice examples and experiences of an expert Practitioner on how to prepare for a home visit, how to engage with children and their families and how to […]

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Featured Featured
Online Forum

INTRODUCTION: This workshop explores the concept of ‘adultification’ from both a research and practice perspective. This session uses case studies, pre-recorded group discussions and serious case review findings to explore how adultification manifests in practice.  Participants are introduced to Listen Up’s Professional Inter-Adultification Model which provides a framework for individuals and teams to reflect on […]

Prison Advice and Care Trust: Together, a chance
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Prison Advice and Care Trust: Together, a chance

Featured Featured
Online Forum

INTRODUCTION: An interactive session with Social Workers from the Prison Advice and Care Trust which aims to explore the barriers to engagement between social work practitioners and parents in prison. Participants will gain an understanding of the challenges involved, explore solutions, best practice and effective strategies for involvement, working to bridge the gap between incarcerated […]

Child Sexual Exploitation
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Child Sexual Exploitation

Featured Featured
Online Forum

INTRODUCTION: This webinar will help raise the awareness of different types of Child Exploitation and explore the signs and indicators to look out for in children vulnerable to exploitation. Participants will hear how Child Exploitation is linked to the Modern Slavery Act and raise awareness of roles and responsibilities under the Child Exploitation Pan London […]


Coaching Programme for NQSWs: Report Writing & Analytical Recording
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Coaching Programme for NQSWs: Report Writing & Analytical Recording

Featured Featured
Online Forum

INTRODUCTION: This session is primarily for Newly Qualified Social Workers who are working with children and families, as an opportunity to support their confidence to practice post-qualifying.  Participants will explore how written work can use 'Language that Cares' whilst also ensuring that it is analytical and child-focused.   LEARNING OUTCOMES: Be familiar with 'Language that […]

Coaching Programme for NQSWs: Multi-Disciplinary Meetings
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Coaching Programme for NQSWs: Multi-Disciplinary Meetings

Featured Featured

INTRODUCTION: This session is primarily for Newly Qualified Social Workers who are working with children and families, as an opportunity to support their confidence to practice post-qualifying.  Participants will explore the role of Social Worker when chairing or participating in statutory meetings (including when parents are present) concerning the welfare of a child. Participants will […]


Coaching Programme for NQSWs: Working With Children & Young people Who Identify as LGBTQAI+
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Coaching Programme for NQSWs: Working With Children & Young people Who Identify as LGBTQAI+

Featured Featured
Online Forum

INTRODUCTION: This session is primarily for Newly Qualified Social Workers who are working with children and families, as an opportunity to support their confidence to practice post-qualifying.  Following on from Pride month, Amber Dillon (she/her) will provide a crash course in understanding the LGBTQAI+ acronym and promote professional confidence in supporting children and young people […]

National Referral Mechanism
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  • 628

National Referral Mechanism

Featured Featured
Online Forum

INTRODUCTION: This webinar will provide participants with an overview of the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) including what it is, who it is for and how the process works both internally and externally to the Metropolitan Police. The second half of this webinar will focus on a domestic servitude case study of a successful NRM referral […]


Coaching Programme for NQSWs: Being Assertive
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  • 818

Coaching Programme for NQSWs: Being Assertive

Featured Featured
Online Forum

INTRODUCTION: This session is primarily for Newly Qualified Social Workers who are working with children and families, as an opportunity to support their confidence to practice post-qualifying.  Assertiveness is the quality of being self-assured and confident without being aggressive. It is a skill that can be learned and a mode of communication. This webinar will […]


Coaching Programme for NQSWs: Ethical Practice
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  • 589

Coaching Programme for NQSWs: Ethical Practice

Featured Featured
Online webinar

INTRODUCTION: This session is primarily for Newly Qualified Social Workers who are working with children and families, as an opportunity to support their confidence to practice post-qualifying.  Social workers should use the authority of their role in a responsible, accountable and respectful manner. They should exercise authority appropriately to safeguard people with whom they work and […]

The 3S’s Model: Navigating Managerial Identities
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  • 721

The 3S’s Model: Navigating Managerial Identities

Featured Featured
Online in Zoom

INTRODUCTION: We can plan how to position ourselves at the table, take up space, use our voice, ask for what we need, create supportive networks, implement effective strategies to disarm inequitable practice and allow ourselves to celebrate our stories of success. However, this is only achievable if we are aware of our design and consciously […]


Working With Race, Culture and Belief Systems in Safeguarding
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Working With Race, Culture and Belief Systems in Safeguarding

Featured Featured
Online webinar

INTRODUCTION: This 90-minute webinar aims to enhance practitioners’ knowledge and understanding of when race, culture and/or belief systems can become a safeguarding issue. Participants will explore the legal framework and help unpick the power of bias in understanding case trajectory.   LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the end of the course, delegates will: Describe the influence of […]

Hackney Youth Justice Service: Out of Court Disposal and Ethnic Disproportionality
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Hackney Youth Justice Service: Out of Court Disposal and Ethnic Disproportionality

Featured Featured
Online webinar

INTRODUCTION: Ethnic disparities across the youth justice system in England and Wales were highlighted by the Lammy review published in 2017. Subsequent research has identified ethnic disproportionality at the level of policing of young people, notably in stop and search practices (Shiner, et al., 2018), in decisions around access to diversion interventions (CJI, 2021), and […]


Refreshed Practice Education Standards
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Refreshed Practice Education Standards

Featured Featured
Online webinar

INTRODUCTION: The imminent increase in the role of Social Work England (SWE), for pre-and post-qualifying social workers and the proposed strengthening of the SWE Professional Standards, casts some uncertainty about the future of valued standards and frameworks such as; PCF, PEPS and QAPL.  This webinar will provide a context for the development of practice educator […]