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The Implementation of Liberty Protection Safeguards
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The Implementation of Liberty Protection Safeguards

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Online Forum

INTRODUCTION Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) will be implemented soon with an anticipated start date being April 2022. It can literally apply anywhere unlike currently under Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) […]


Unconscious Bias
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  • 958

Unconscious Bias

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Online Forum

INTRODUCTION: Many find it difficult to talk about biases, identity and culture, especially in the context of their work with children and young people; but problems that cannot be named […]


National Referral Mechanism
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  • 632

National Referral Mechanism

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Online Forum

INTRODUCTION: This webinar will provide participants with an overview of the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) including what it is, who it is for and how the process works both internally […]


LGBTQ+ in Social Work Education and Practice
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LGBTQ+ in Social Work Education and Practice

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Online webinar

INTRODUCTION: Evidence shows that issues with professional conduct and discrimination against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ+) people in social care, continue to exist in the UK. This indicates […]


Refreshed Practice Education Standards
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  • 615

Refreshed Practice Education Standards

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Online webinar

INTRODUCTION: The imminent increase in the role of Social Work England (SWE), for pre-and post-qualifying social workers and the proposed strengthening of the SWE Professional Standards, casts some uncertainty about […]


Supporting Students with the Development of Professionalism
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  • 568

Supporting Students with the Development of Professionalism

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Online in Zoom

INTRODUCTION: The North London Social Work Teaching Partnership’s Practice Education Training Programme is offered in partnership with Middlesex University primarily to qualified (Level 1 and / or 2) Practice Educators, […]


Practice Educators & Supervisors: How to Become Placement Ready
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Practice Educators & Supervisors: How to Become Placement Ready

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Online in Zoom

INTRODUCTION: The North London Social Work Teaching Partnership’s Practice Education Training Programme is offered in partnership with Middlesex University primarily to qualified (Level 1 and / or 2) Practice Educators, […]

Practice Educator Supervision Skills: Enabling Student Reflection and Analysis (Rescheduled)
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  • 565

Practice Educator Supervision Skills: Enabling Student Reflection and Analysis (Rescheduled)

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Online in Zoom

INTRODUCTION: The North London Social Work Teaching Partnership’s Practice Education Training Programme is offered in partnership with Middlesex University primarily to qualified (Level 1 and / or 2) Practice Educators, […]


The Anti-Racist & Anti-Oppressive Practice Placement (Rescheduled)
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  • 761

The Anti-Racist & Anti-Oppressive Practice Placement (Rescheduled)

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Online in Zoom

INTRODUCTION: The North London Social Work Teaching Partnership’s Practice Education Training Programme is offered in partnership with Middlesex University primarily to qualified (Level 1 and / or 2) Practice Educators, […]


Individual Difference and Working with Diverse Student Groups
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  • 708

Individual Difference and Working with Diverse Student Groups

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Online in Zoom

INTRODUCTION: The North London Social Work Teaching Partnership’s Practice Education Training Programme is offered in partnership with Middlesex University primarily to qualified (Level 1 and / or 2) Practice Educators, […]


Report Writing
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  • 833

Report Writing

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Online in Zoom

INTRODUCTION: The North London Social Work Teaching Partnership’s Practice Education Training Programme is offered in partnership with Middlesex University primarily to qualified (Level 1 and / or 2) Practice Educators, […]