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SKEF – Approaches to Family Intervention

  • Sean Collinge
  • 0
  • 1797

Approaches to Family Intervention: Motivational Social Work and Social Pedagogy in Action (Family Learning Intervention Programme – FLIP) – a comparative critique of two practice models


The North London Social Work Teaching Partnership is dedicated to sharing best practice and knowledge about innovations and improvement programmes across Partner organisations.

The SKEFs provide a unique opportunity to share practice experience and specialist skills, network and enhance collaborative dialogue between managers and practitioners that will inform practice and service development. These sessions are suitable for social workers, managers and anyone involved in supporting the learning of others, practice or service development.

This facilitated session will be presented by Robyn Kemp, FLIP Manager, London Borough of Hackney in collaboration with Chrissie Gregory, Innovations & Sector Improvement Manager, London Borough of Islington.

Participants will learn about the experiences of two London boroughs in implementing Motivational Social Work and Social Pedagogy, two distinct practice approaches that have been embedded as part of the DfE Innovation Programme. These funded projects have been developed to innovate and test out different approaches to direct work with the broad aim of improving outcomes and using interventions that effectively support children and families.

Chrissie and Robyn will describe each approach, and explore the successes and challenges of their use, giving ample time for engaging discussions with participants. Participants will be able to share their own experiences of these or other practice models and consider the usefulness and applicability and potential impact on practice and service outcomes.

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