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Learning the lessons from the London Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs)
This session will be delivered by Dr Adi Cooper OBE, Care & Health Improvement Advisor, Local Government Association.
Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) are case reviews undertaken by Safeguarding Adults Boards. These are usually completed when someone dies as a result of suspected or actual abuse or neglect, multi-agency working could be improved and there are lessons to be learnt that could benefit practice and prevent similar situations happening again. An analysis of SARs, undertaken in London since the Care Act 2014 was implemented, found common themes and patterns (Braye & Preston-Shoot, 2017).
This session will explore the lessons for all practitioners arising from these tragic events.
This half-day session aims to:
- Present the findings from the London SARs
- Explore the implications for social work practice
- Consider how social workers can champion practice improvement
Participants can access Learning from SARs: A Report for the London Safeguarding Adults Board by Suzy Braye and Michael Preston-Shoot, July 2017.
* This event is only open to social workers and practitioners working in social care within our Partner organisations, comprising of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey and Islington councils, the charity Norwood and Middlesex University.
**Due to the limited spaces available, if this event is oversubscribed, registration will close seven days ahead of the event and places will be equally shared between Partner organisations. We ask that participants who sign up for this event save the date in their diary; however, a final confirmation email will be sent to participants seven days before the event.