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International Kinship Care

  • Lisa Green
  • 0
  • 962


In an increasingly globalised world, children in need of protection, often have important connections overseas. However, planning for a child to live with a kinship carer overseas can represent legal and practical challenges.

This webinar will draw on Children and Families Across Borders’ (CFAB) expertise in the field of cross-border, child protection, to identify and explain the key considerations for social workers working with a child with international connections.


At the end of the session, participants will have an understanding of:

  • The importance of international kinship care as an outcome for children
  • How international regulations are relevant and are applied in care proceedings with an international dimension
  • How and when to collaborate with foreign authorities.
  • How to assess prospective carers overseas
  • How to plan for a child’s transition to an overseas kinship placement, and arrange post-placement support



Maria Wright is a Solicitor with a particular expertise in children’s law with an international element. She is also a doctoral researcher with the University of Bristol, currently completing research into care proceedings with an international element. Maria has published widely on children’s law. She is the co-author of a leading practitioner’s text, ‘International Issues in Family Law The 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Brussels IIa’ (2015 Jordans).Maria has also published extensively on the use of Special Guardianship in care proceedings with an international element, transfers of jurisdiction, recognition & enforcement of orders and the protection of children where jurisdiction is in issue. Maria regularly delivers training and lectures on care proceedings with an international dimension to a wide variety of professionals.


Fiona Robinson is a Social Work England, registered Social Worker graduating with a MA Social Work from Middlesex University, London. Fiona also has an MA in International and Community Development from Deakin University, Australia. She leads on training and developing the capacity of CFAB’s Independent Social Workers overseas. Prior to CFAB, Fiona has worked in the human rights sector with statutory agencies and charities in the UK, Australia and Asia region for 15 years.


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*This session is open to social workers and staff working in social care across the Teaching Partnership (Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington Councils and Norwood).*