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Practice Educators graduate!

Practice Educators graduate!

Big smiles and happy faces were the order of the day on Wednesday 10th of July 2019 as our Social Work students graduated from their programmes at Middlesex University. This graduation included post-qualifying students who happily received their PG Cert in Advanced Social Work Practice (Practice Education).

Pictured are Thelma and Paola, Social Workers from Hackney Adults services who were part of the cohort of 47 newly-graduated Practice Educators from across North London, most of whom had their studies funded by the NLSWTP. 

When asked for her thoughts having completed the course, Thelma said, “It’s been a difficult journey juggling work with study, but it’s been so rewarding. I’m looking forward to taking another student next year and would like to come back to study at Middlesex again. It’s been an amazing experience!” 

Paola, whose time at Middlesex was her first experience of studying at a UK institution added, “It’s been a pleasure to be here. I’ve been very supported by the Uni and the tutors have been really helpful. I would take another student too.” 

If you are a qualified Practice Educator interested in supervising taking one of our students on placement, please contact our Social Work placements team to register your interest at: socialworkplacements@mdx.ac.uk If you are interested in training to become a Practice Educator and have the support of your organisation, please contact the Social Work CPD team at:


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