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Online learning: Scents of self-neglect and hoarding

  • Sean Collinge
  • 0
  • 4229

This session will be presented by Shabnam Ahmed, Team Manager, and Martin Hampton, Social Worker, Adult Social Care, London Borough of Camden.  

The session aims:

  • To increase understanding of self-neglect and hoarding
  • To encourage imagination and continued curiosity on the topic of self-neglect and hoarding; and
  • To take away one new thought or idea around how to work alongside people who are self-neglecting or hoarding.


About the presenters

Shabnam Ahmed is an experienced Social Worker, Practice Educator and Team Manager in the London Borough of Camden. She has 20 years of front line practice experience. Shabnam is particularly interested in the phenomenon of self-neglect and hoarding and for many years has worked in an integrated way with many Camden residents.  

Martin Hampton is an Integrated Care Social Worker at the LB Camden. He has extensive experience of supporting clients with hoarding issues.  Martin works with Environmental Health Officers and health colleagues from a multi-disciplinary team including Community psychiatric nurses. Martin  co-presents a Hoarding Course at the Recovery College, Camden for professionals and people struggling with ‘stuff’. Martin is interested in a strengths based approach to hoarding and regularly uses resources from popular culture.

“The only way forward in social work is to re-visit and be supported to apply relational practice. In working alongside people who self-neglect this is most urgent.”

Please book your place using the booking system below. You will receive instructions on how to access the webinar.

Please email info@northlondonsocialwork.co.uk.

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